Nutritional intake within the last 24 hours, peak flow, blood pressure, prescribed drugs, and stress are all related to fatigue levels. This is essential to know, because the greater the fatigue with Multiple Sclerosis the worse the symptoms.A. List all foods consumed each day and record energy levels within the last 24 hours. Certain foods have a direct impact on the fatigue level.
B. Document the number of hours slept each day and record increases and decreases in sleep. Relate the increases and decreases in sleep to nutrition, peak flow, blood pressure, stress, and the use of prescription drugs.
C. List daily stress factors; stress affects the multiple sclerosis patient's symptoms.
D. Document peak-flow measurements.
E. Document blood pressure measurements three times a day to determine increases and decreases during the day. Determine what might affect the changes in blood pressure.
F. Record prescription drugs used each day as well as the improvement or lack of improvement of the symptoms for which the drug(s) are prescribed.
G. Determine a measuring tool for patient health each day that fits your situation (i.e. 1=bad day; 2=poor day; 3=moderate day; 4=good day; 5=great day).
H. Discuss with traditional medical doctors how you see your illness progressing or regressing concerning traditional treatments and prescribed drugs.
I. Discuss with alternative medical practitioners to determine the specific alternative therapies, nutrition, and nutritional supplements that works for your body.
J. Monitor all food intakes, prescribed drugs, and nutritional supplements with Contact Reflex Analysis or muscle testing each day. Muscle testing allows the individual to determine his/her needs for nutrition, prescribed drugs, or nutritional supplements.
Eating responsibly has a direct link to good health. Many individuals can heal their illness or disease with good nutrition. Eat pure, high-fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to eat all fruits and vegetables raw. Overcooking of vegetables destroys enzymes that are necessary for proper nutrient absorption and digestion. When your body is experiencing a chronic illness, it is necessary to eliminate foods that are making your body toxic.
A. Eliminate grains and especially grain products containing glutens, as they tend to decrease the body's ability to absorb nutrients and make digestive system work harder. Eliminating glutens will allow your energy levels to increase naturally and balance your blood sugar.
B. Consume amino acids in the form of protein foods. Tryptophan and tyrosine are particularly important for mental health. However, Tryptophan is a natural hormone found in turkey that naturally promotes the production of Serotonin. As Tryptophan increases fatigue that causes symptoms to worsen. The turkey lunchmeats are low in fat; however, they also are laden with nitrates that are toxic to anyone's body.
C. Eliminate all sources of refined sugar, white flour products, all grains (glutens), chemical additives, and alcohol.
D. Eliminate caffeine (present in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and many pain relievers). Regular caffeine users constantly burden the adrenal glands. Adrenal exhaustion means the body cannot raise blood sugar when it needs to, and hypoglycemia results.
E. Avoid eating foods from metal containers; they may contain toxic metals. Lead-soldered cans are especially dangerous.
F. Avoid Nutrasweet7, Aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, and white sugar as they are neuro-toxins. Regular soda contains approximately 14-16 teaspoons per can and is loaded with carbohydrates and empty calories.
G. Avoid monosodium L-glutamate (MSG), a common food additive that can adversely affect behavior. MSG can cause headache, sweating, nausea, weakness, thirst, abdominal pain, and other distressing symptoms. MSG may also affect the central nervous system of embryos and infants.
H. Include vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements for nutritional deficiencies determined by a nutritionist or kinesiologist. Many symptoms in any illness area result of nutritional deficiencies. However, supplements do not take the place of healthy whole foods.
Understanding that Multiple Sclerosis ("MS") is an autoimmune disease is a start to healing. First, change your diet; good nutrition will help your body to heal itself. Second, build the immune system so your body becomes strong enough to withstand a detox regimen. An individual with any chronic illness must build the weakened immune system.
Detoxifying the body begins to work on the cause of the illness. A chronically ill individual has a toxic body. If the immune system is weak, cleansing the body from parasites and toxins taxes the body. Cleansing the body with juice and water fasts is a wise choice to begin detoxifying the body. Since "MS" patients are very weak, a slow detoxification plan under the supervision of a knowledgeable doctor is imperative.
The liver is the organ needing cleansing for Multiple Sclerosis and most chronic illnesses. After trying different cleansing programs, the cleansing of the liver provides less severe "MS" symptoms.
Colon Hydrotherapy is another treatment to cleanse the colon of poisons, gas, and accumulated fecal matter and improve absorption of certain nutrients. It is a safe, gentle infusion of warm water into the rectum monitored by a therapist. The system allows the elimination of waste material through a speculum and out the drain line without odor.
The immune system is becoming stronger, and the body is cleansing itself from parasites and toxins. Supplements used for detoxifying also allow the body to eliminate parasites and toxins through several bowel movements. Good nutrition is still a priority.
Diagnosing an individual first is usually the ophthalmologist, because the ocular symptoms appear first--ptosis and diplopia. Fuzzy vision, double vision (diplopia) and droopy eyelids (ptosis) are the most annoying symptoms and the most difficult symptoms to overcome. Eye problems as all other symptoms depend on nutrition and a less toxic body to heal. With an increase intake of sugar, dairy products, grain products, or fast food (processed) foods, "MS" symptoms worsen.
Improving circulation for "MS" patient is necessary. Poor nutrition and a toxic body cause poor circulation. Many symptoms, in turn, are the result of poor circulation. When circulation increases, all of the symptoms begin to improve. The liquid herbs are more effective when taken in the evening so that they have time to work throughout the body during the night. They generally do not interfere with Mestinon7 when taken at night. Herbs may make an individual more tired when taken during the day. A well-rested "MS" patient can better use the herbs in the body to improve symptoms. Liquid herbs taken in the morning tend to make a person more tired.
Eliminating fatigue for the individual is crucial as fatigue causes symptoms to worsen. It is imperative that "MS" patients learn to conserve their energy for activities later in the day. Another option is to complete the majority of necessary work in the morning. Polyester, polyester and cotton blends, rayon, nylon, acetate, tricot, etc. had a negative effect on my daughter's energy levels. This indicates a sensitive reaction to synthetic fibers; wear 100% cotton daily. As the immune system becomes stronger, so will energy and stamina.
Purchasing vitamins, minerals, herbs, and health foods at natural health food stores and at food stores which carry natural food items makes your shopping less unmanageable by one-stop shopping. As many people do not try natural foods, supplements, or alternative treatments until the traditional medicine has not worked, the natural food places will go out of their way to help you to learn
Eliminating certain foods is the first step to take toward improvement in arthritic symptoms. Sensitivity to specific foods may be a related problem, increasing the severity of arthritis. Nitrate foods such as eggplant, tomatoes, all peppers, paprika, and potatoes increase tissue and cartilage inflammation. Arthritis is another autoimmune disease which plaques individuals. Fatigue is a symptom of Arthritis and of Multiple Sclerosis; eliminating the arthritis symptoms is less difficult than eliminating the "MS" symptoms.
Even if a "MS" patient does not have signs of arthritis or other symptoms, prevention is a wise choice.
EYE THERAPY, is a self-treatment to enhance and improve eye movements. Ten skills that can be enhanced and developed through exercise are: focus change, peripheral vision, depth perception, maintaining attention, tracking and following moving objects smoothly, fixation, binocularity or using both eyes together, near vision acuity, distance acuity, and visualization. Some of these skills are more important than others, but the exercises will strengthen your eyes.
HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBOT) is a treatment that increases the oxygen level in the blood; thereby; detoxifying the body and resulting in higher energy levels and better health. The patient sits or lies in a five- to seven-foot chamber depending on the specific chamber used in the doctor's office. The entry is sealed and the tube pressurized at up to two and a half Atmospheres Absolute with pure oxygen for 30 to 120 minutes. The increased pressure makes it possible to breathe oxygen at a concentration higher than that allowed by any other means. The patient breathes the oxygen through a mask put over his/her mouth and nose. (Burton-Alternative Medicine)
INTERFERRON is an immunological stimulant. It tricks the body into thinking the rest of the body is healthy, so it stops the production of extra antibodies triggered in the body. It is a combination of all immune modulators. The Interferon and saline are administered intravenously.
CALCIUM AEP is available in oral form only at this time. An intravenous solution is available from a German source; however, it is not available in the United States. The Calcium AEP replenishes the calcium and magnesium balance in the body.
NUTRITIONAL AND ACCESSORY SUPPLEMENTS include vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements taken for nutritional deficiencies. Symptoms of nutritional deficiencies may include fatigue, nervousness, mental exhaustion, confusion, anemia, and muscle weakness. Many of the symptoms listed are those of Multiple Sclerosis. Eat healthier and determine the exact nutritional supplements you may need by Contact Reflex Analysis and Kinesiology. (Burton-Alternative Medicine)
PHOTO-OXIDATION THERAPY is a therapy in which one-fourth cup of blood is drawn from the patient's arm intravenously. Once drawn, the blood passes through an ultraviolet light while adding oxygen to the blood. The patient receives the cleaned blood through the same sterile tubing. This treatment selectively destroys harmful bacteria, viruses, and other organisms without injury to healthy tissue or cells. This treatment is not as effective when the patient's veins are weak and difficult to find. . (Burton-Alternative Medicine)
CHELATION is an intravenous therapy to remove toxic heavy metals from the body.
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