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Healthy Eating


Various diets have been recommended over the years, but the MS healthy eating plan has proved most beneficial for the majority of people.

The incidence of MS varies from country to country. It seems to be lower where polyunsaturated fats are eaten in preference to saturated. 

Scientific research has shown that those who followed the healthy eating plan carefully had fewer, less severe relapses. General health either improved or stayed the same.

People with MS tend to have an altered pattern of fats in the blood. This can be corrected, as long as the healthy eating plan is followed.

With the increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating, many low fat and high fibre foods, including some convenience meals, are available from food stores. There has never been a better time to follow a Healthy Eating Plan.
This way of eating is low in fat and should include foods high in fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Following the healthy eating plan will benefit the whole family, although children under 5 years will need more fat and less fibre. Similar dietary recommendations are made for reducing the incidence of heart disease, certain cancers and for the treatment of diabetes.
The aim is to eat less fat, particularly saturated fat (generally hard animal fats). See USA govt advice for everyone on fat
However, you still need adequate amounts of polyunsaturated fat (soft vegetable based fats and fish oils). Polyunsaturated fats are made up of smaller units known as essential fatty acids (EFA's) - essential because our bodies are unable to make these substances which have many important functions. For example, they are vital to the immune system, brain and nervous systems.
As nature does not supply us with EFA without some saturated fat it makes it all the more important to keep down the level of saturated fat from other food. 

Oily fish are rich sources of two EFA's in the Omega 3 group, and pure vegetable oils, such as Sunflower and Safflower oils, rich sources of linoleic acid, which is part of the Omega 6 group. The body uses linoleic acid to make an important EFA called arachidonic acid. Liver is an excellent source of arachidonic acid and should be eaten weekly (1/4lb, 100g).

For more about the healthy MS diet see
Food for thought

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